SoundSupport Analog Mastering and Mixing

aktuell: ich mixe und mastere die aktuelle CD des Berliner Musikers Sebastian Block.

SoundSupport Info

SoundSupport steht für transparentes und druckvolles Mastering. Seit über 6 Jahren produziert SoundSupport Mastering zufriedene Kunden.

What’s the price ?

Prices and conditions depend on a variety of facts.We should approach this in a personal conversation.

By | 2017-06-14T11:17:49+02:00 June 8th, 2015|Comments Off on What’s the price ?

How to prepare my mix for mastering ?

Ideally record at high sample rates and bit-depth. For example: 88,2 khz and 24 or 32 bit float.Please provide several version of your mix, e.g.: vocals +/- 1dB.Sometimes mastering causes certain frequency ranges to stand out in the mix.That way I can compensate for this fact. Your mix should have a headroom of -2 dB [...]

By | 2015-12-10T09:32:11+01:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on How to prepare my mix for mastering ?

What is Dithering ?

Dithering must be the last step in the Mastering Process.It usually is needed when reducing bit-depthFor example: from 24 bit used in the mixing process to 16 bit CD standard.Choosing the right type of dither for a special program material is a very complex taskand it demands some experience. Please do not use dithering in [...]

By | 2015-12-09T10:28:11+01:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on What is Dithering ?

The dynamic range of your tracks

Dynamic range means the difference between low and high levels in your mix.It is very helpful to leave a maximum of dynamic range before sending your track to the mastering studio.Please do not use compressors, maximizers or similar effects on your master mixbus.Instead leave a headroom of about 2-4dB before hitting digital zero.

By | 2015-12-09T10:37:39+01:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on The dynamic range of your tracks

What does Stem Mastering mean ?

Stem mastering is based on stereo mixdowns of several instrumental groups of your session.For example: 1 stereo mixdown of all drums, 1stereo mixdown of all vocals, guitars, keyboards...etc.This gives me the chance to edit and process all the individual groups separatelyand thus not interfering with each other.

By | 2015-12-09T10:40:21+01:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on What does Stem Mastering mean ?


Please always have an eye on the correlation of your mix.Specially when preparing for vinyl, the bass prior to all other frequencies needs to be "in phase".There are plenty of correlation metering tools available in the market.Most DAWs offer onboard correlation metering tools.

By | 2015-12-09T10:41:18+01:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Correlation

Audio file formats and delivery

Please always deliver High-Resolution Files. Don't use MP3, AAC,WMV nor any other compressed formats for Mastering ! your sound files/tracks should have names that include no more than 25 characters and can be labeled as follows: track number/name of the piece/suffixes such as : .WAV. / BWF (broadcasting wave file) / .AIFF / .AIF /.AIFC. [...]

By | 2017-06-14T11:17:49+02:00 November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Audio file formats and delivery