„Mastering is not about making it loud – it’s about – how you make it loud.“

High End Analog Mastering

If you are looking for transparent and dynamic mastering, SoundSupport is the place for you.
I’ve been working with all genres of music – literally from R&B to Schlager to electro, opera, pop and filmscore. I dedicate great attention to each track regarding dynamics, balance, spatial attributes and loudness.
Since its foundation in 2008 SoundSupport keeps creating happy clients…

…such as :
Ali N. Askin, Guacáyo, Clueso, Ramos, Amaury Laurent Bernier, Fraktus, H.Gich.T, Die Goldenen Zitronen … & many more…
You‘re welcome to attend mastering sessions or you may upload your tracks via wetransfer, dropbox…etc. Feel free to talk about your projects with me.

with best regards